I would love to say that the Motor City Convention was a smash success because in many ways it was We had William Loebs (writer on THE MAXX) and several others with us. Novelist P.S. Ramsey was on hand to sign her new primer preview book for her
"Legerdemain" Novel. We also had the Dark Elf Debut of "The Sorrow" Created by J.S. Earls for more information
CLICK HERE We Showed up at the Motor City Convention with No printas and half a table less than we had bought not to mention the 1/2 tables that we got were spread over four rows instead of right next to each other. Thanks to Roberto of Core Studios who came up with a great solution for setting up so everyone was all good then. About the time we got set up was when I realized I had not brought any prints to the show.
All in all though things Still went well at the show and 2 time Pullitzer prize nominee Mark Messler came to the show and stopped by the booth to chat it up with yours truly I also recieved a great Moonshadow sketch by Art Baltazar whom you may know as the creator of "Patrick the Wolf Boy" God willing I will put that up later.Now I'd like to introduce everyone to my Newest creation that I am working on Hopefully he will be a great character in his own upcoming full color comic/ graphic novel everyone, meet
if you can't view him here check out my MySpace page www.myspace.com/briangermain