Friday, September 15, 2006

NEW!!! Dark Elf Designs WALL CALENDAR for 2007!!!

Come and order your brand new Dark Elf Designs Wall Calendar for 2007 available now from Dark Elf Designs and Cafepress, featuring the artwork of Brian Germain! And Check out or other NEW products while your there!

Click Here to ORDER! or paste this into your browser,

Monday, September 11, 2006

New Places, New Things!

Ok a little update we are getting ready to change domain name pointers so if the website is inaccessible for a day or three try the direct link also there are some new pictures in the Galleries under Brian Germain in gallery 1 there are some more comic updates and that gallery is going to move back to it's own "comic books" section off the main page. there is one new picture in the Brian germain fantasy gallery and two more in the erotica gallery as well as one more in the superhero gallery..

Thanks for dropping by, there will be a good big update coming soon!
