Wednesday, November 29, 2006

En Memoriam

Dave Cockrum age 63 passed away yesterday of complications due to diabetes. He will be sorely missed by many of our staff and fans alike. As a major contributor to books like the X-Men Dave captured many hearts and minds on his comic journey's and now he must start a new one. We'll miss you Dave.

In Memory of Dave Cockrum

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dark Elf Designs Interview!

Hey Guys Check out the interview in Brant Fowler's Indy-Pendant column on comics avalanche Brant does Q & A with our Very own Brian Germain about everyone's favorite indy comic company.

Also We have been talking with the President of Shocker Toys about joining their wave of Indy action figures.

and last but not least we have been in talks with the creator of a of a horror film in the spirit of the original friday the thirteenth or nightmare on elm street movies and if all goes well maybe we'll be doing the graphic novel based on the film.

Plus yet even more great news we will soon be unveiling something that no one else is really doing (aside from japan) and we'll be doing it ina way that is rarely done anymore.

William Messner-Loebs and Brian Germain have been kicking out some more illustrations for our sister company COM publishing in order to make one of their imprints (Sword and Science) debuts "Legerdemain" as successful as possible.

Keep checking back for more updates to come!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

J.S. Earls Revolutionary Writer!

Hey everyone surf on over to Silver Bullet Comics and check out my interview with our very own J.S. Earls creator of PISTOLFIST from ALIAS comics! Click the Link Below (or you may have to paste it into your browser) to check out what Jeff had to say.